Rock night at Hard Club

The Lisbon bands Deserto and Cinemuerte are touring Portugal; while Deserto are promoting their debut album “Filhos do Deserto” Cinemuerte are promoting their EP “DHIST”. While at Hard Club (Porto), they’ve featured Blame Zeus to help them highlight a great Rock night.

First ones on stage: Deserto. I had already listened to their work and I must confess I was curious to see the band live. My expectations weren’t defrauded; pure Rock distilled at high level with the sound of guitars well noticed above all else, only “muffled” by Miguel Sousa’s lively energy. This first work (excluding the EP) undoubtedly shows great quality, bringing back that 80’s and 90’s sonority of Portuguese Rock bands without, however, sounding out dated.

Seconds on stage: Cinemuerte. This was another band I was hoping to see live; since their last album “Aurora Core” i got “hooked” to Sophia Vieira’s voice and I was anxiously expecting this first meeting. In musical terms the bans is “still there”, despite the long absence since their last work. Her voice is still beautiful, the band’s technique also although some minor thing to evolve, like too many gaps between tracks, but despite all that it’s a must see again, as soon as I get the chance.

For closing act there was Blame Zeus. As expected the tracks were the ones taken from their debut “Identity”, apart they’ve played an older one, less known from the public, “Own Me”. Plus note for Sandra Oliveira, she proved to be more at ease, showing more determination in her performance.

In sum, a great night with 3 distinct types of Rock bands representing two distinct generations of musicians, showing the quality is still present in the national scene. Sad to notice that the audience stubbornly stays apart, giving more attention to foreign bands. A question of mentality…

Finally, just wish to thank the people/entities involved: Deserto, Cinemuerte, Blame Zeus, Sandra Oliveira, Som do Rock e Rocknradio. Until our next gig \m/

For more photos click here.

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